Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 11, 2016

Would pigs eat a human being?

Would pigs eat a human being? Have you ever wondered about this? Let’s see to find out all what you want to know about animals facts via the article here

Pigs cannot digest human or animal teeth. Human bones can be digested by a pig if they have broken into small enough pieces after being chewed, from everyamazingfactsoflife.

Pigs have a similar digestive system to human beings. They eat both plants and animals to survive in the wild. All food eaten must be chewed extensively for a pig to properly digest it. Berries have the best nutritional content to keep a pig healthy. Domesticated pigs are descendants of the wild boar family that originated in Asia and Europe. Some species of pig have large front teeth and large tusks which they use for self defense and digging roots out of the ground. That might be one of the most awesome interesting facts ever.

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 11, 2016

What is the purpose of hair on your head?

What is the purpose of hair on your head? I know for sure that many of us can't give the answer. Let's check out this article to know interesting science facts

As with the traits of any animal, we have evolved in certain ways based on our environment and the need to adapt to that environment. The hair on our heads provides warmth for cooler seasons (since we lose approximately 25% of our body heat through our scalp). The hair on the head also provides protection from UV rays, and from minor injuries.
How much do you know about tiger facts for kids? Let’s check.

Our earlier ancestors (evolutionally speaking) had much more hair on all parts of their bodies. But with technological advancements (learning to make and tend fires, finding or making shelter, etc.) we became better able to withstand our environment and the need for the excess of hair began to decrease. Those individuals who were born with less hair were just as able to survive, and therefore their subsequent generations had less hair.

Hair remained in specific locations because it served other purposes. The armpits and groin retained hair because those areas are key heat-release zones (as evidenced by the practice of using tepid compresses at these areas to reduce fever quickly). The hair in these areas serves as a lubricant for the joining points of the body and prevents chafing of the skin because of the friction of the areas rubbing together.

The scalp also may have kept hair because it helped the body retain heat, but there is also the likelihood that the hair of the scalp was seen as esthetically pleasing and therefore attracted a mate more readily.

Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

What purposes do toes serve?

Do toes even do anything? Why do we have them? Do they serve any purpose? Could we live without them? These are all things many people might WONDER about their toes.

What's your favorite part of your body? For some, it's their eyes, because they allow them to see the world around them. Others couldn't do without their ears, because they love to listen to music. Many people would probably say their tongues, since they bring the tastes of delicious foods to life.
Find out more about interesting science facts via our articles.

On the other hand…or foot, not many people would claim that their toes are their favorite body part. Why not? Some might point to the fact that they're dirty and stinky from time to time. Others might point out the fact that they don't seem to be all that useful.

Do toes even do anything? Why do we have them? Do they serve any purpose? Could we live without them? These are all things many people might WONDER about their toes.

Rest assured, you need your toes. In fact, they are quite practical. Even though we can't use them to cling to tree branches or pick fruits, like chimpanzees can, our toes serve a few important purposes.

For example, your toes provide balance and support when you walk. When you walk, your toes maintain contact with the ground about 75% of the time. They exert pressure in a manner similar to the metatarsal foot bones integral to movement.

Image result for toes

Your toes help your feet to bear the weight of your body when you walk. They play an even more important role in running. When you use your whole foot while running, your toes effectively increase the overall length of your foot, allowing you to run faster.
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Of all your toes, your big toes are the most important. They play the most critical role in maintaining your balance. They also bear the most weight when standing. Your big toes can bear almost twice as much weight as the other toes combined.

The least important of your toes are undoubtedly your pinky toes. As the smallest toes, they bear the least weight and have the least impact on maintaining balance. People born without pinky toes or those who lose one in an accident will see very little, if any, changes to how their feet function.

Of course, all these practical uses for toes shouldn't overshadow one of the fun uses for toes: tickling! If you have a friend with ticklish toes, you know how fun it can be to tickle them and send them into peals of laughter!

Check out my list of fun, weird and just plain amazing fact of life I have found.

Thứ Hai, 7 tháng 11, 2016

Amazing Catus facts for kids

If you’re looking for the most interesting facts, you’re at the right place. Here are list of amazing facts about Catus for kids

  • Size of cactus depends on the species. Largest species of cactus can reach 66 feet in height and weigh up to 4800 pounds (when it is fully loaded with water). Smallest species usually have only few inches in height.
  • Cactus can have arborescent (tree-like), cylindrical, rounded, irregular or starfish shape. Surface can be flat or covered with ridges. This might be one of the most weird facts about them.
  • Cacti can be green, bluish or brown-green in color. They have waxy substance on the surface which prevents loss of water via transpiration (loss of water through small holes when outer temperature is high).
  • Cacti have spines instead of leaves. Spines can be soft or rigid, straight or curved, arranged in rows or scattered. They can reach 6 inches in length.
  • Spines have two major roles: they prevent loss of water via transpiration and keep the plant safe from animals.
  • Each spine develops from areole, which looks like a bump or nipple-like structure on the surface of the cactus.
  • Since cacti live in dry areas, they need to absorb large amount of water and store it in the stem and roots for the periods of drought. Besides storing of water, stem plays role in the process of photosynthesis (production of food by using the sunlight and carbon dioxide).
  • Water from cactus has higher density compared with tap water, but it is safe for drinking.
  • Roots of cacti are located few inches underground, but they can reach 7 feet in diameter because water easily passes through the sand.
  • Cacti have dormant periods and periods of intense growth and blossoming. Periods of growth require enough water and sunlight and they usually last shorter than periods of rest. Still boring? Check out our funny images to get relaxing moments in your freetime.
Image result for Cactus Facts
  • Size and shape of flower depends on the species of cacti and type of pollination. They can be white, red, orange, pink or blue in color.
  • Butterflies, bees, moths, bats and hummingbirds are main pollinators of cacti.
  • Spines of cactus can be used in the production of hooks, combs and needles. Fruit can be used as food.
  • Certain cacti produce substance called mescaline which induces hallucinogenic effects. It has been used by shamans to induce trans-like state and ensure "communication" with God.
  • Cacti can survive from 15 to 300 years, depending on the species.
If you have a keen interest in amazing science facts, keep subcribing our site to get more information about this aspect.